How do we create systemic growth and develop speed and entrepreneurship in all parts of our organisation?
Organic growth is the oxygen of organisations, it is the proof that we keep the pace of change and innovation above the competition. For 9 out of 10 companies, customer focus, innovation or digitalisation are among the most important challenges – and they all point to growth.
A change-oriented approach to project success.
Benefit realisation is a proven method for designing and managing change projects to maximise value creation. It offers a new perspective on projects and identifies behavioural change as the main driver of benefits realisation.
Realise your potential benefits!
Change projects are both time-consuming and costly, and often only a fraction of the expected benefits are realised. Does this sound familiar? It does for most managers in steering committees of PMOs and projects.
In large change projects, less than 50 % of the benefits are realised, according to project managers. Only 18 % of the benefits are documented.
There is an urgent need to change the way we work with change projects in order to successfully bring about behavioural change and create value.